Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Setting up a goal

It's 2:07 AM, January 19, 2010...it's too early in the morning as a fact, but I see it as too late in the evening considering I haven't sleep yet since yesterday, yes I mean the day before this day. It's pretty usual for me already since I'm such a night-owl type of person or maybe I'm just really suffering from insomnia (I'm in denial for the latter's reason of course).

Well, I came up with the decision to why not make a new blog! Where's this coming from? On Sunday morning we finally got (I mean, "I finally") the movie Julie & Julia through Netflix. I've been waiting for it to come because I really wanted to watch it. I've only watched the trailer of the movie and I loved it right away, setting aside the fact that I have read good reviews about the movie. So when my husband told me during our dinner that we got the said movie on the mail that day I exclaimed gratefulness and thrill, maybe add up curiosity too as I'm wondering if my expectation won't fail me that the said movie is really a great one. My husband then asked me what is the movie about, then I right away thought "he's not gonna like it!", so I told him that we can watch a different movie if he likes and I'll just watch Julie & Julia by myself later because it's a chick flick movie. But my dear husband still agreed to watch with me...curiosity aroused him because he seems to know to who is Julia Child?

During the course of the movie, my husband was throwing me all this idea to maybe I should do the same thing, make a blog of my cooking since according to him my cooking is very good (I want great not just very good!). I just laughed about it because I know I can not make it! He did not stop though and still tried to motivate me, he likes the idea that I'll be cooking like a storm with such good foods, but of course I still refused his ideas. It's not that I'm new to blogging, it is because I am not confident of my cooking and I am not sure if I can really keep up the blog from making new entries about different recipes. Sad, but that's the reality of what I am having such a low self-esteem.

The movie ended up great, my husband liked it! And to tell you honestly, that movie uplifted my spirit that night... silently, on my mind, there it screaming that it's really a pretty good idea to put my cooking into writings such as blogging. "Hmm.... why not?" But this just remained a thought for that night!

A day passed and that idea just never realized not until this time though, I finally just said to myself, "Hey! What's wrong with starting it right now? You are sitting your ass in the couch in front with the laptop then might as well just use it into something that might transform and inspire you! Setting a goal for you to have something to do won't hurt you!" So yes, this is how it started, that is why you are reading this entry up to the last word...

Thank you for reading and expect for me to post something new after this one.